Friday, February 11, 2011

Fox News

Does it bug you that this channel will basically put anything on the air and yet I never see any interesting news about foxes. False fucking advertising, motherfucker!

Picture Source

I am currently contemplating starting a recurring 'News about Foxes' segment. I suppose it depends on how much there is to report on but I guess we'll see. For now, here's some fox news.

City Foxes

As you may or may not know, foxes are starting to inhabit human settlements more and more. Same as any animal that does this, they do it for the easy access to our discarded food.  According to this Austrian news site, there are an estimated 15,000 foxes in London alone.

Picture Source

The article goes on to desribe some gruesome shit they're blaming on the foxes (like a cat that got its head bit off), but seriously, look at that picture. How can you get mad at that cute little fellow?!


  1. Just sent that first pic to my friend, who printed it out and put it his office.

    ...he works at the NY Post :)!/mikeyang52377

  2. Fox news should be about foxes! That is false advertising lol

  3. haha nice page brah. following.

  4. I'm a conservative and watch fox and this is funny lol. following

  5. I can't stomach fox or msnbc, and cnn isn't relevant so I get all my news from the interwebs

  6. I'm a big fan of foxes. They are incredibly intelligent creatures, unlike some news organizations haha!

  7. i can believe that theyre inhabiting human settlements because i was golfing last summer and there was litterally a FOX that kept following us. it was freaky...

  8. a fox shot a hunter fairly recently. i remember thinking it shouldve been on fox news. linky

  9. Ye, I'd like some updates on the life of foxes as well

  10. gets my vote - proper FOX news!

  11. :) I agree the pic is adorable.

  12. I saw a fox on zebra crossing on a snowy day- I am watching FOX news to air that hotnews:)

  13. I like a nice fox :-) I actually seen one walking down a main road a few weeks ago, it looked like it had a misssion in it's step, as if it was planning something....

  14. So right. We want more news about the foxes!

    Following and supporting.

  15. I want to subscribe to a wire service covering exclusively foxes.

  16. Man you know, they look rabid and scary and shit, but when you get close enough to a city dwelling fox, you find you can pet the motherfucker and all it does is run away.

    I'll be keeping up with your posts man, keep it up!
