Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The End Of Days - Are You Ready?

I only just heard about this, but it looks like the world is coming to an end. On Saturday. However, according to Anjeanette, it will take a few months until everybody is dead, so if you're feeling lucky, there's still plenty of time to procrastinate and push this thing into the back of your mind. I know I'm gonna do that.

Picture Source: Wayward Blog

So we may still have until late October until all the freaks who actually believe in this religious crap have to - once again - admit they fucked up the date of the apocalypse. Which of course doesn't mean they're all a bunch of delusional whackjobs. By no means. They are probably just your garden variety stupid person.

All of us, who, of course, know that the apocalypse is going to be brought about by zombies and to be completed in December 2012. I mean, you'd have to be crazy to believe anything else.

(via Nerdist)


  1. well , don't know when the apocalypse will be but i love that pic

  2. cool pic - but I'm all ready...bug out bag ready and everything lol

  3. time to bring out my zombie kit...

  4. Everything we been told is a lie >_<

  5. end of days? it's time to star a loan...

  6. I especially enjoyed the last 3 lines, lol.

  7. LOL we're still here. but 2012....

  8. I, I guess. haha

  9. Many of the prophecies of the Seven Thunders are being fulfilled and will continue to increase in strength and frequency throughout this final three and one-half years of man's self-rule on earth. Kewl pic!!!
